Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This is a quick post because I need to go to bed. I am not only into parrots, but all kinds of animals, and this post will focus on my second favorite group: herps, aka reptiles and amphibians! This weekend I went on an overnight field trip with my herpetology class, and I had an awesome time. We caught a whole bunch of salamanders, frogs, toads, a tiny snake, a box turtle, and a fence lizard. But for me, the highlight was this:
Ignore my dorky expression and the head lamp I'm wearing, and look at my hand. I caught the endangered pine barrens tree frog! And what's better, I caught it within 5 minutes of the start of the search, and found it by imitating his call so that he called back. Two of my friends and I got close enough to him that I could see him and grabbed him. It was awesome. He is an absolutely gorgeous frog, I didn't know there were frogs that gorgeous in New jersey. I got an awesome shot after we all finished admiring him and put him back on a tree.

The purple markings and yellow flash coloration on his legs (that you can barely see above but is clearer below) are incredible. This was a huge, fat male. He should get lots of ladies.

I am tired, but I want to include this picture of a carpenter (?) frog and a green frog we caught because I think they look funny. Good night!


  1. Aww man. I miss going on herp hikes.

    And you stole my super secret "imitate their call until you catch them" trick. BAH!


    Cool pictures.

  2. My one faithful reader, you make me feel special. :)

  3. Hi! I didn't realize that frogs can be incredibly adorable until your pictures! Will all of your posts involve things that I thought were gross but are actually cute?

  4. lol you are stealing my faithful readers/commenters! jk. Your frogs are cute and did you know Stephie has 2 snakes? AND ONE IS NAMED SNAKEY and it makes me laugh SO HARD cause I am easily amused...

  5. Cori, who told you that? Cuz it's wrong. :-P

    The most snakes my family had at one time was 5. I had a florida king snake (Cupid), my mother had three ball pythons (Monty, Kato and Fawn), and my brother had a mexican black king snake (Snakey).

    Cupid sadly died only about a year after I got her. Snakey we gave away to another family a few years ago. Monty, Kato and Fawn are all still alive and well living with my mama.

    And Emily, I am super excited about having another blog to read so you should post a million times please. :-)
